Smokey’s Manifesto

Smokey’s Manifesto

Both And: Sex is great, money is good. I genuinely enjoy sex and sharing my body. I truly get pleasure from giving pleasure. No guilt, no regrets. And I get paid for it online. I enjoy it, AND it has value. The experience has changed my life; the money has not.

My Why:

Explore boundaries
Spice up sex life
Maximize $ for effort

Free Value: Some things are free. Some things have value. When it comes to my body and my sex, I decide. I Don’t care what others are doing. I Don’t care what others think.

Flashing: I have been flashing my breasts and loving it since I grew them. It is not a path I recommend, just the one I took.

Multiple Partners: An experience that turns me on. Not one I choose to pursue irl But I do online with the full support of my partner—casual sex, connection, and pleasures with many, one at a time.

Taboo: Not my thing, mostly. I am not your Mom. I am who you want in your mind. You do you.

I don’t share: location, family, or career info. Most everything else is fair game.

Wank: Yes, I know many masturbate to my content, and I love that! Even more so with me live online. I see the good in it: fun, pleasurable, satisfying, an outlet, frigid wives, loneliness, connection. I am a realist, too, and I know there can be a dark side as well.

Grateful: I am grateful for this body, and I am thoroughly enjoying it, and sharing it with others

Cumming: My orgasms are more intense when I am watched. Fuck ya

Adding Spice: This has spiced up our sex life. We often have fantastic sex after we make a video or have a live chat. And he is my fluffer too 🙂

Boundaries: I have boundaries and stick to them no matter what is offered. And I know when they have been crossed.

My Body: My body has changed, and I am not ashamed or embarrassed. A few more pounds, cellulite, a belly, ingrown hairs, marks, etc. I own that, and I have learned that it is sexy.

Professional Amateurs: We are not pros. Photos aren’t always good, spelling is not always correct, grammar is not the best, and videos aren’t edited. It’s just us.

Create Art: I love art and design. Creating art from my body has been super fun. And many artists have made art from my posts!

Evolution: There is no plan. We take things and create as we go. It could end tomorrow, and we’d be ok with it.

<Anything and everything is subject to change>


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