Create your porn name in three easy steps

Create your porn name in three easy steps

Smokey Chestnut is not my name. 🤫  It’s the name I use to have fun and sell.  My porn name.  

What’s yours?

  1. The name of your first pet
  2. The name of the first street you lived on
  3. Combine the two, and viola 

Example.  Hubby’s first pet was Pepper.  The first street he lived on was Loyola.  Pepper Loyola.  I have no plans to share the spotlight with Pepper Loyola, but he is my fluffer and stunt cock 😜

You could end up with Fido Main or Fluffy Elm, so it doesn’t always work 😂.  

If it doesn’t work at first, play with it. Switch the order, or pick another pet or street.  There is something there.  Have fun.

Share yours in the comments.

Your porn name is vital in this business. Mine has boosted my exposure, and yours can, too.

  • Generate interest and catch the attention. I have had followers check out my content just because of the name or have started conversing with me.
  • A persona you can build on and has a bit of you in it.
  • It adds a bit of mystique.  What is going on here?  
  • Play with it, and let your followers do the same.  Smoking hot baby!  Love those chestnuts!   Are you a smoker? Jeez 😣 
  • You can use it on all your platforms and even a website if it is unique enough! was available!

We are entertainers and that first impression from the name matters.  Make yours count…whoever you are 😉

1 Comment

  1. Hello,
    I found your site on Twitter and find what you are write very interesting.
    But sometimes a porn name can come about in a completely different way. Just like mine:
    During the Balkan war from 1991 to 1999, which led to the dissolution of Yugoslavia, many refugees came to Germany. There were hundreds of thousands of people who came to Germany. As the capacity of Friedland was of course far from sufficient, the refugees were distributed within Germany and initially provisionally housed in buildings belonging to federal authorities before they were able to move into makeshift homes. Most of them were families with small children. Except for one. This was a single male refugee, around 25 years old. This refugee spoke neither German (of course) nor English or any other language we were familiar with. As is not uncommon with young men of that age, he was quite horny and looking for women. He probably thought that the women here in Germany thought about nothing else all day but fucking and going to bed with everyone. In any case, he walked around the building all day and constantly addressed the volunteers (all male) as “Ficki Ficki” (this means fuck fuck). As we learnt with the help of other refugees, he was from Gorazde, a small town in Bosnia. (hence Gorazde), so his nickname was “Ficki Ficki Gorazde”. And when I was looking for a porn name, I remembered the nickname of the refugee. However, I toned it down a bit to Viki Viki Gorazde.
    Finally, a few words about me: I am 59 years old and have been in the porn industry for over 40 years (!!!). Both as an amateur performer and as a producer.

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